About Us

I am just an Engineer who loves Off Roading, so naturally I love RC Crawlers too! 

This may sound stupid but this system came to me in a dream one night, name and everything and I knew I had to get it going. I still have epic plans for the future (see Coming soon section) and I plan on releasing new models every month so we will have plenty of variety customizability. I Have already spent 100's of hours developing this system and plan on spending 100s more.

My goal is to keep everything as inexpensive as possible to allow for the maximum number of people to be able to join in on the fun! I am working hard to give everyone the best designs that I can and they are only getting better over time. I want this to be lego set for RC crawlers with a lot of options and parts to chose from with endless configurations!


(Me: Driver seat, My Bro: Passenger Seat on Widow Maker in Moab)

founded in 2025

Located in Colorado